Benefits Translated by: Abu Abdirrahman Samir

5 Pillars of ISLAM

Testimony of Islam

There is no Deity worthy of worship in truth except Allah and Muhammed ﷺ is His slave and Messenger.

Prayer - Salaat

To pray five times a day. Five separate times throughout each day.

Mandatory Charity -Zakaat

An obligation on certain wealth given to certain people at a specific time

Fasting - Sawm

Obligatory Fasting once a year in the Islamic Month of Ramadhan.

Pilgrimage - Hajj

Pilgrimage to visit Makkah and specified sites during the islamic month of Dhul-Hijjah

Welcome to Al-Kuttaab As-Salafy

Islam is the religion of all the prophets from Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and others. The seal and final prophet and messenger is Muhammad; may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon all of them. The faithful followers of the Prophets and Messengers are called Muslims, those who have submitted willfully to the command of Allah and follow the prophets faithfully.

I invite you to learn more about Islam, the Religion of Truth, surrender to the All-Mighty Allah, the Creator of the heavens and earth, and leave off the false gods and deities. I invite you to repent from following falsehood, evil, and indecency and to devote yourself truthfully to the Creator alone in worship with sincere faith, submission, and obedience.

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