The Islamic Creed

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

The Islamic Testification of Faith

The Religion Al-Islaam is based upon two great fundamental principles and testifications of faith. The first is the testification: Laa ilaaha illaa Allah and the second is the testification: Muhammad rasool Allah.

The meaning of the testification: “Laa ilaaha illaa Allah”

This means to testify and believe that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah. This testification consists of negation and affirmation. Negating the right of being worshipped from all things besides Allah and affirming it for Allah alone with no partners or associates. The Muslim must affirm this and comply to what it necessitates.

The meaning of the testification: “Muhammad rasool Allah”

This means that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. This is to testify and believe that Allah sent Muhammad as a prophet and messenger to all mankind to teach them how to worship Allah, and to give the believers glad tidings of the delight of Paradise and to warn the disbelievers and disobedient of the punishment of the Hellfire. This testification consists of believing in everything Prophet Muhammad has informed of, obeying and complying to his commandments, and avoiding and staying away from everything he has prohibited. Also, this requires that one should not worship Allah in any manner except how He and His messenger have legislated and prescribed.

Belief in Allah and the Creed of Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism and the Belief in the Oneness of Allah)

Belief in Allah

Allah is the proper name of the One and only True God. He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He is the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. He is alive and never dies and His existence has no beginning nor ending. He does not sleep or get tired, nor does He need food or provision. Rather He is Self Sufficient, and He alone is the One Who sustains, maintains and provides for His creation. He is free of all needs, worthy of all praise. He alone possesses the attributes of perfection and has absolutely no deficiencies. He alone is worthy of worship and everything worshipped besides Him is falsehood and not worthy of worship.

The Creed of Tawheed
(Islamic Monotheism and the Belief in the Oneness of Allah)

Tawheed Ar-Rububiyyah:

The Oneness of Allah’s Lordship

This means to believe that Allah alone is the True Lord, Creator and Originator of this life and all it contains. He is the Owner and Master of everything. He is the Creator and Sustainer, the Giver of life and death, and Disposer of the affairs of the entire universe. He alone has created the heavens and the earth and everything within them and He is the One who has given everything its shape and form. He alone is the One who sends the rain from the skies bringing life to the earth with many different crops and vegetation. He is Allah, the All-Mighty, High and Exalted is He, Worthy of all praise. He is the True God and Lord of mankind.

Tawheed Al-Asmaa’i wa As-Sifaat:
The Oneness of Allah’s Names and Attributes

This means to believe that Allah alone possesses the most beautiful names indicating His lofty attributes and characteristics, the attributes of divinity and perfection with no deficiencies nor faults or shortcomings from any aspect. This is to believe that there is nothing like Him whatsoever and nothing resembles Him nor can be compared to Him.

He has many beautiful names and lofty attributes. He has mentioned them in His Book, the Noble Qur’aan, and His Prophet Muhammad has clarified them in his authentic traditions.

Allah He is Al-Hayy, The Ever Living, alive eternally, He is alive and never dies nor does He get tired or hungry. His life has no beginning nor end. He is Al-Awwal, The First and there is nothing before Him, and He is Al-Aakhir, The Last and there is nothing after Him. He is Al-‘Aleem, The All Knowing, perfect in His knowledge. He knows all things, and nothing is hidden from Him. He is As-Samee’, The All Hearing, perfect in His hearing. He hears all things near and far alike. He is Al-Baseer, The All Seeing, He sees all things, small and large, close and distant. He is Ar-Rahmaan and Ar-Raheem, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, His grace and mercy have encompassed all things. He is Al-Ghafur, The All Forgiving, He forgives the sins of those who repent to Him. He is Al-‘Ali, The Most High, He is lofty and high above all His creation. He is Al-‘Atheem, The Most Great, nothing is greater than Him. He is Allah, The One and only True God who possesses the attributes of divinity and perfection, thus He alone is deserving of worship and submission.

The intent from learning these two aspects of Islamic Monotheism is to realize and know with certainty the Greatness of Allah and His majesty and supreme power and to understand that His knowledge has encompassed all things, that He is capable and able to do all things and that He alone is worthy of worship.

By pondering over this amazing creation and all that is contained in the heavens and the earth, and the great harmony found in the alternation of the night and the day, yet everyday is a new day, one realizes the greatness of the Creator and His perfect wisdom and absolute power.

Also, thinking deeply about the various crops, fruits, vegetables and herbs, all different colors, shapes and sizes, some are sweet others are sour, yet they are nourished by the same provision and the water is one.

As well as reflecting upon the creation of the human being, how one begins as a lowly fluid mixed together in the womb of a woman, then moving through many stages from a blood clot to flesh and bones then as a human being with a soul and a life, able to see, hear and think. All these affairs are clear signs of the Greatness of the Creator and that He is the One and only True God worthy of worship, thus leading to the third aspect of Islamic Monotheism.

Tawheed Al-Uluhiyyah

The Oneness of Allah in His Divinity and His Right to be Worshipped Alone with no Partners

This means to believe that Allah alone is the One who possess divinity and the attributes of perfection; therefore, He is the only one worthy of worship. This requires that one singles Him out for all acts of worship and servitude with love, hope and fear. Every action that one preforms hoping to draw near to Allah is considered an act of worship, from prayer, supplication, bowing, prostration and charity etc. This worship must be performed sincerely for Allah’s sake alone, seeking His pleasure and mercy, also it must be performed in accordance with the legal ways of Prophet Muhammad.

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