An Invitation

If we ponder over life and think about our existence and the wonders of the creation of the heavens and the earth, we see that the earth is so vast and spread out, and there are different environments, animals, plants, and trees. There are many different species and types of life and many different vegetables, fruits, and herbs. There are huge mountains, valleys, rivers and streams. Consider the ocean’s depth; many diverse fish and other creatures live there. Then, if we turn to the sky, we may ponder its fantastic structure and how it is like a big roof over our heads protecting us from many dangers, yet there are no pillars that we can see keeping it steady and firm from falling. Looking at the sun, we may ponder how beneficial it is for us. Likewise, we may ponder over the moon and how the sun and moon alternate, one following the other in concession: night and day, then day and night. Yet every day is new, and today’s deeds differ from yesterday’s. Likewise, the night, each night is unique and diverse as well.

All those plants, trees, vegetables, and fruits came from seeds. The seeds are dead; they are not alive. They are scattered in the earth and buried. Then, when the water reaches the dead seeds, they split, come to life, and grow. Some grow to be tall, and others spread out over the land. Some are green, and others are red or yellow. Some are sweet, others are bitter, and all are nourished from the same water. Where did that water come from? It comes from the clouds in the sky. The water is stored in clouds that are in the air above our heads. That is amazing. Then, when it falls to the barren earth, those seeds and crops stir and come to life. All of this is very beneficial for animals and mankind. All this and much more are from the incredible affairs of the creation around us.

Where did it come from? Did it just show up from nothing? Did the trees create themselves? The sky, did it make itself? What if I told you my car just showed up out of nowhere, or if I said it created itself? What if I told you about my watch, “You know, this nice watch? You would not believe it; it just showed up out of nowhere. The parts appeared from nothing and formed without a designer or an engineer”? What if I said it created itself, including the bands and the hands? No doubt someone would say I am crazy. Cars and watches can never be brought into existence from nothing, nor can they create and bring themselves into existence. Instead, there must be a designer and inventor for these things.

So, if that is the case, how about the fish? How about the clouds, the wildlife and the trees? How about your eyes and ears and your ability to see and hear? Did it just come from nowhere? Consider the delicate mechanisms in the eyes working in harmony to produce vision and eyesight, likewise the ears and all the intricate parts that work together so one can hear sounds. After that, one comprehends what he sees and hears and can distinguish what is helpful from what is harmful, etc. Did this all come from nothing, or did it create itself? The answer is neither; rather, there is a Creator—an amazing Creator who is AllKnowing, All-Wise, and Strong.

Without a doubt, after pondering on this great creation, we can see how much greater the Creator is. He is the one who has created all things and has given everything its shape and form. He provides for all things, nourishes them, and sustains them. All life is by His permission and by His power. He is Almighty, the Most High and Exalted. He possesses the most beautiful names and attributes of perfection. He has absolutely no deficiencies. He does not sleep, nor does He get tired. He does not eat; rather, He is the One who provides food and sustenance for His creation. He is the Ever Living, and He never dies. His existence has no beginning, nor does it have an ending. On the other hand, all His creation has a beginning and an end and is dependent upon Him for its very life and existence.

Understanding this brings us to an important point we must ponder, understand, realize, and act upon. Nothing is worthy of worship except for Him alone with no partners. Since everything besides Him depends upon Him for its existence, and He alone created it, formed it, and fashioned it as He pleases, then clearly nothing besides Him deserves to be worshipped. Since He had no partners or associates with Him in creation, there must be no partners with Him in worship.

Throughout history, He has sent prophets and messengers and revealed books clarifying why He created us: to worship Him alone with no partners in a manner He likes and is pleased with.

His final prophet is Muhammad, and His final revelation is the Qur’an. He has informed us in His revelation much about Himself and clarified that His name is Allah, and He alone creates all things, provides for all things, sustains them, and that He alone is worthy of worship.

The only religion He accepts is Islam, which means to willfully submit to Allah, the Creator of the heavens and earth, with obedience and sincerity by complying to His commandments and leaving the worship of false gods and deities.

Islam is the religion of all the prophets from Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and others. The seal and final prophet and messenger is Muhammad; may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon all of them. The faithful followers of the Prophets and Messengers are called Muslims, those who have submitted willfully to the command of Allah and follow the prophets faithfully.

I invite you to learn more about Islam, the Religion of Truth, surrender to the All-Mighty Allah, the Creator of the heavens and earth, and leave off the false gods and deities. I invite you to repent from following falsehood, evil, and indecency and to devote yourself truthfully to the Creator alone in worship with sincere faith, submission, and obedience.

By accepting Islam, all sins are forgiven, the soul is purified, and a person will be free from sin just as the day he was born. Indeed, we will all die and return to our Creator and be taken to account for our actions, statements, and deeds.

From His mercy, we ask Allah to guide our hearts, show us the truth, and grant us success to follow it, just as we ask him to show us the falsehood clearly and give us success to leave it and avoid it.

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