Wintertime A Bounty For The Worshipper

الشتاء غنيمة العابدين (Wintertime: A Bounty for Worshippers)

الشتاء غنيمة العابدين

Wintertime: A Bounty for the Worshippers

إن الشتاء يعُتبر موسمًا مميزًا للعبادة والتقرب إلى الله عز وجل. وقد جاء عن السلف تشبيهه بالغنيمة لسهولة أداء العبادات فيه مقارنة بغيره من الفصول. وذلك لأن الليل فيه طويل، فيتسنى للعبد أن يأخذ حظه من النوم والراحة مع ما تيسر له من قيام الليل والصلاة، والنهار قصير والجو بارد، مما يجعل الصيام أسهل على النفس وأيسر.

Indeed, winter is considered a special season for worship and drawing closer to Allah, the Almighty. The Pious Predecessors likened it to a bounty due to the ease of performing acts of worship compared to other seasons. This is because the nights are long, allowing a person to take their share of rest and sleep while still having ample time for night prayers and worship. Additionally, the days are short, and the weather is cold, making fasting easier and less burdensome on the soul.

From the Sayings of the Pious Predecessors About Winter

قال عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه:
الشتاء غنيمة العابدين.

‘Umar ibn Al-Khattaab (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
“Winter is the bounty of the worshippers.”

وقال ابن مسعود رضي الله عنه:
مرحباً بالشتاء، تنزل فيه البركة، ويطول فيه الليل للقيام، ويقصر فيه النهار للصيام.

Ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
“Welcome winter! Blessings descend in it, the nights are long for standing in night prayer, and the days are short for fasting.”

وقال الحسن البصري رحمه الله:
نعم زمان المؤمن الشتاء، ليله طويل يقومه، ونهاره قصير يصومه.

Al-Hasan Al-Basri (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
“The winter is the best season for the believer; its nights are long for standing in prayer, and its days are short for fasting.”

وكان عبيد بن عمير رحمه الله، إذا دخل الشتاء يقول:
يا أهل القرآن! طال ليلكم لقراءتكم فاقرؤوا، وقصر النهار لصيامكم فصوموا.

‘Ubayd ibn ‘Umayr (may Allah have mercy on him) used to say when winter entered:
“O People of Qur’aan, your nights are long for your recitation so recite, and the days are short for fasting, so fast.”

The Benefits and Wisdom of Winter

A Reminder of the Hereafter:

On the authority of Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

“When the heat becomes intense, delay the prayer until it cools down, for the intensity of the heat is from the breath of Hell. Hellfire complained to its Lord, saying: 'O Lord, parts of me have consumed others.' So He allowed it two breaths: one during the winter and one during the summer. The harshest heat you feel is from its heat, and the bitter cold you feel is from its cold.”

The Narration connects natural phenomena (such as extreme heat and cold) to matters of the unseen, reminding us of Allah's greatness and the severity of the punishment of the Hellfire, which encourages one upon piety, righteous deeds, and preparation for the Hereafter.

وأن الجنة ليس فيها شيء من هذه الأحوال الشديدة، قال تعالى: {لَا يَرَوْنَ فِيهَا شَمْسًۭا وَلَا زَمْهَرِيرًۭا}. فليس فيها ألا النعيم والراحة والسعادة. نسأل الله من فضله.

It must be emphasized that Paradise is free from such extreme conditions. As Allah said: {They will see neither the sun's heat nor the bitter cold}. (Surah Al-Insan: 13) Paradise is a place of pure bliss, comfort, and happiness. May Allah grant us His bounty and admit us into Paradise.

Other Benefits of Winter

  • Ease of Worship: The long nights provide an opportunity for prayer, supplication, and reflection—ideal for those who find short summer nights challenging. The short days make fasting easier, as the hours of hunger and thirst are fewer.
  • Reminder of Allah's Blessings: The cold of winter reminds a person of the blessings of warmth, clothing, and shelter, encouraging gratitude.
  • Patience and Contentment: In the winter, a believer learns patience in enduring the cold and contentment with Allah's decrees, which is a vital spiritual lesson.
  • Social Solidarity: During winter, acts of compassion and support emerge as the wealthy extend their assistance to their brothers among the poor and needy through various forms of charity, providing them with food and clothing.


Winter is not merely a season; it is a spiritual school through which the believer learns the importance of utilizing time, expressing gratitude for blessings, increasing in acts of worship, and preparing for the Hereafter.

And Allah knows best. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and his companions.

Written by: Abu AbdirRahmaan Samir
11 Rajab 1446 / 11 Jan. 2025

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